Precise European standards state that the manufacturer of industrial technical doors has the responsibility to ensure that products placed on the market, especially if motorized, comply with strict requirements.
For years, the IMVA Industrial Doors management has been involved with other manufacturers in the activities of the ACMI Association (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Doors and Mechanisms) as members of the Technical/Regulatory Committee. The activity refers, in particular, to contact with Public and Government Bodies, with test and research laboratories and with the Regulatory and Certification Bodies.
The regulations oblige the manufacturer to perform a certain number of tests and to monitor the production.
Our products are certified. Certifications can be viewed and downloaded by requesting access to the reserved area (see ››).
Manufacturing quality
Raw materials and components produced in Italy, exclusively corporate and centralized production lines, exclusive operating systems and mechanisms designed and sized for maximum functionality and for certain products covered by patents. The expertise of our operators and attention to manufacturing in general.
All our products are the result of expertise that is rooted in a territory known throughout the world for manufacturing quality. For us at IMVA Industrial Doors an experience in continuous technological evolution.
Probably first in the industry, we are now able to offer SUPERTHERMIC insulated doors up to 12.5 meters in height with mono-structural self-supporting panels with a single foaming point (see the BIG SIZE line ››)
The automation units of the various industrial door models were designed directly by our research and development department, which over the years has been able to find innovative solutions covered by numerous patents. Load-bearing structures, top rails, panels pack derailing device, chain-driven motor, are fully integrated systems that provide functionality for a really large number of cycles and in all weather and atmospheric conditions.
Even in the case of manual operation of the door, regardless of its size, the perfect distribution of weights, the use of particularly structured rails and trolleys with bearings, ensure easy and effortless opening.
The high-speed door motors are perfectly integrated into the self-supporting structure, dimensions for particularly intensive use and special devices keep the curtain in tension.
All models of doors and high-speed doors are equipped with emergency manoeuvring devices, as envisaged by the regulations.
Life span
Product certifications for folding doors allow us to guarantee at least 20,000 opening/closing cycles; 400,000 cycles for high-speed doors.
But it is essential to adopt a correct preventive and programmed maintenance system, which in addition to keeping the installation efficient and safe, helps to extend its life span. Some of our first installations dating back 30 years are still fully functional.
See also:
- Industrial doors. Why choose Made in Italy ››
- Industrial technical doors, insulation and savings ››
- Industrial technical doors and wind load resistance ››